Reduce carbon footprint

Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint with These Steps

4 minutes


October 6th 2020
Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint with These Steps 1Veronika Mikec is a full-time student, writer, and future revolutionary.


Companies are the biggest producers of carbon dioxide, which through different processes makes its way into the atmosphere and creates what we are now used to calling carbon footprint. It’s quite a literal name—you are, after all, leaving footprints in the Earth’s atmosphere as a result of your firm’s activities. What this does is it keeps the heat within the atmosphere, contributing to the ever-evolving climate changes. We used to talk about this issue a whole lot more around 2008, when the general public first began realising the seriousness of the situation, and wanted to fix it. But since then, the talk about the climate crisis began dying out—fast forward to this year (and previous couple of years), when we are more dedicated to helping the planet than ever before.

Do not fret, we’re all one way or another a part of this guilty party—we add on to the natural greenhouse gases already as individuals, not just as big companies or organisations. Think about everyday situations we find ourselves in—driving around in an estimated billion of passenger cars (not to mention other vehicles), or even using electricity. (I’m contributing to the emissions by writing this article about how to contribute to those emissions less! Ironic, isn’t it?)

It’s important to show initiative and work towards a more sustainable business. So, here are three main ideas on how to reduce the carbon footprint we’ve been talking about since 1992.

Before You Begin

First things first is to get people on board with your ideas. Without their help and support, it’ll be much, much harder to achieve your goals in terms of sustainability. So, before you bombard them with all the changes you’re meaning to introduce, explain how and why these changes are being implemented. Once your employees understand the purpose behind your ideas, they’ll be more willing to make changes to their approach to work. And who knows? Maybe your initiative will inspire them to make some changes in their private lives as well.

Products, that might interest you

1. Lights Out

If already an individual’s use of energy contributes to greenhouse emissions, image what kind of impact an entire company must be making! In fact, for most companies, it is energy use that contributes to nearly a half of the carbon footprint they are producing. And with the number of companies in the world, especially the larger ones, it’s no wonder we’re panicking about the climate crisis. It represents a real issue, and we’re all accomplices to the crime. 

For this reason, make sure you cut down on energy use within your company. Opt for energy-saving equipment, incorporate automatic switch offs, replace traditional light bulbs with energy efficient ones (such as LEDs or CFLs), and turn lights off when they’re not needed. Take advantage of natural light if and whenever possible. These small steps will not only contribute to smaller greenhouse emissions, but to a smaller electricity bill as well.

2. Give Your Printers a Rest

Despite there being countless alternatives, some entrepreneurs insist on printing every single document, business plan, or anything else for that matter. This might be because people like having physical copies of their computer files, as to avoid losing them in case their computers break down. However, there’s always the option of storing those online. Not to mention the possibility of using digital signatures to approve a contract, which would otherwise have to be printed. If you’re not able to avoid printing (e.g. your client demanding a physical copy or any sort of computer malfunction), do so by enabling double sided printing.

3. Cut Down on Travel Time

Any sort of travel contributes to the carbon footprint, so why not avoid it whenever possible? For instance, instead of travelling to meet with a client or business associate to discuss a collaboration, have the meeting online. We are, after all, in the twenty-first century, where technology enables us to talk to people on the other side of the planet, cost free. Simply set the date and time, and call your party through Skype or any other video-call service. If this isn’t the first time you’re talking, you’d be perhaps able to do it over a phone call as well. If you must travel, however, do so by choosing Economy instead of Business class.

When we talk about travel, we also mean the transportation of goods (not only the transportation, mind you—emissions are connected to the production as well). Obviously, often times this part can’t be avoided, but you can always choose to support eco-friendly brands. Those pay extra attention to emissions when shipping out their products, so you’d still be making a change by carefully choosing your suppliers.


What are some of the ways that your company tries to cut down on carbon emissions? How have they impacted your business? 

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